Assoc. Prof. Dominica Zentner
General cardiology and echocardiography
Assoc. Prof. Dominica Zentner is an adult cardiologist, providing outpatient consulting services in general cardiology.
Dominica trained in cardiology at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. She subsequently completed a PhD at the University of Melbourne, titled Cardiac Structure and Function during Human Pregnancy. She is on staff at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, participating both in the general cardiology and echocardiography services.
Dominica has several cardiology sub-speciality interests. She consults at both the Adult Congenital Heart Disease service and the Cardiac Genetic Clinic at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, and was one of the founders of the Cardiac Pregnancy Clinic, a joint service run between the Royal Melbourne and Royal Women’s Hospitals. Dominica has an appointment with the Therapeutic Goods Association as a member of the Advisory Committee on Medicines. She is a member of the Quality Standards subcommittee of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand and is the Secretary of their Victorian Division. She also has a number of ongoing clinical research projects and is involved in national and international research collaborations.
While Dominica provides a comprehensive outpatient service, she is not available for inpatient care. She has therefore established links with other members of our group to assist with in-patient management of her patients if hospital admission is required.